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Posted on 23 November 2021

Award nomination for Furniture Matters

We are delighted to tell you that Furniture Matters has been nominated at this years’ Enterprise in Society Awards. Hosted by Selnet, these awards highlight and celebrate impacts made throughout Lancashire’s business community over the past 18 months. One of our core services is refurbishing white goods and furniture from around Morecambe, Blackpool and Lancaster, which would otherwise have been destined for landfill, meaning we have been nominated in the category of  ‘Environmental Champion of the Year’.

By refurbishing white goods and furniture, in 2020 we prevented 31,128 items from going to landfill, saving 1599 tonnes of carbon dioxide when compared to the environmental impact of producing and transporting new items – that is the equivalent CO2 that would be created by 4,157 return flights from Manchester to Rome. These refurbished and renovated items are sold at low cost with a 12 month warranty meaning fewer people have to enter into credit agreements or spend more than they would have liked by buying a new item

We rely heavily on donations of items from local residents and we were able to continue our collection services as people renovated their homes during lockdown, despite the limitations on entering properties, so their environmental impact has been particularly high recently.

Steph Buchannan, Furniture Matters Manager, said ‘It’s great that Furniture Matters has been nominated for this award, especially after the last 18 months and the difficulties we’ve faced because of the COVID 19 restrictions.

I’m really proud that our teams have been able to continue their efforts to help both
our communities and the environment.”

The Selnet Enterprise in Society Awards 2021 will be staged at Crow Wood Hotel & Spa in Burnley on Thursday December 2nd 2021.

“The organisations that have been nominated have been working at full capacity over the last 18 months helping local people to cope and to get help where needed. I can’t wait to say a big thank you to them all. We know our sector does amazing work, but this really drives it home. We are absolutely blown away by the number and quality of nominations this year!”Liz Tapner MBE, chief executive at Selnet

Get In Touch

Check our warehouse stock, book an item collection or discuss a large scale refurbishment.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Call: 01524 426622


For referrals, contact your local council.

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